
The logo of our centenary

Sometimes numbers too have a meaning not necessarily related to arithmetic. In the logo of our centenary, the number “100” assumes and includes the most important communicative meaning. That is something like, not only wanting to go back a hundred years ago to remember the origins that begun at San Damiano, but to say, that from there, a blessed event composed of faces, stories, history, … Continue reading The logo of our centenary »

Pontifical University Antonianum

Reflecting on Hospitableness Past and Present

"Francesco d’Assisi e Al-Malik Al-Kamil: 1219-2019"

The Rome campus of the Pontifical University Antonianum will host a reflection on the historical-theological significance of Al-Malik Al-Kamil’s hospitality, and on te spiritual, indeed the mystical, roots the Franciscan preference for hospitableness, with a view to a renewal of its practice.