
1919 - 2019

Inscribed upon the stone base of the altar at San Damiano – Assisi

CURA FRANCISCALIUM SORORUM CONGREG. TERTII ORDINIS A SACRATISSIMO CORDE JESU DIE XIX NOVEMBRIS A.D. MCMXIX QUAE CONGREG. EST ERECTA DE JURE PONTIFICIO IN INSTITUTUM SECULARE MISSIONARIARUM A REGAL CHRISTI A.D. MCMXLVIII “By the Franciscan Sisters of the Third Order of the Most Holy Heart of Jesus on the 19th day of November of the year of the Lord 1919” “This congregation, with Pontifical Right, was … Continue reading Inscribed upon the stone base of the altar at San Damiano – Assisi »

Celebrating his morning Mass, January 21, Pope Francis said that some people believe themselves to be good Catholics but don’t even act like good Christians as indicated by the Beatitudes. The Christian style is that of the Beatitudes that St. Mark in the day’s Gospel describes as "new wine in new bottles".

The Beatitudes are the true way of life for the Christian

By Robin Gomes The Gospel, the Word of the Lord, is the “new wine” that has been gifted us, but to be good Christians we need a “new behaviour”, a “new style” that is truly the “Christian style”, and this style is indicated by the Beatitudes. This is the meaning of the ” key word ” that concludes today’s reading from the Gospel of Mark: … Continue reading The Beatitudes are the true way of life for the Christian »

We thank you and implore you to bless us Your daughters, living and deceased, And inspire us to continue to carry forth This precious gift to the ends of the earth.

Centennial Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, In whom the world and history find their center. Who did in your wisdom gifted the world With the new vocation of lay consecration And did inspire your servants Armida Barelli and Agostino Gemelli To work tirelessly to bring forth this gift, In this year of the 100th anniversary Of the first professions at San Damiano, We thank … Continue reading Centennial Prayer »